New Articles on Kumejima DSW Use
Several recent articles have been published concerning deep seawater use on Kumejima. Below are a few translated summaries.
Nikkei Science (April 30)
Okinawa Renewable Energy, OTEC and Typhoon Power
Towards re-energizing Okinawa, OTEC has been implemented on Kumejima. In addition, the use of Deep Seawater in industries was introduced.
Please refer to the following link for the full article (in Japanese). http://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/articles/-/ 78082
Okinawa Times(April 27) and Ryukyu Shimpo(April 30)
Cabinet Minister Yosuke Tsuruho Visits Kumejima
For details please read our post here.
Ryukyu Shimpo Economy 5th Edition (May 4)
Kumejima Cosmetics, infrastructure towards overseas production tripling
An article on the initiative of GOSEA member Point Pyuru Co. was published. Due to the expansion of facilities, production has tripled. The company will continue to develop overseas markets.
For more please visit the Ryukyu Shimpo at http://ryukyushimpo.jp/hae/entry-420527.html
" News" :Archive
- [Rohto Pharmaceutical Press Release] Opening of “Kumejimaru Café” and Launch of Craft Beer Prepared with Kumejima Deep Ocean Water
- Report on the Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Hawaii Okinawa Partnership on Clean Energy
- Release of Kumejima Town Energy Vision 2020
- News Article Published on Support for Expansion of Kumejima’s Seawater Intake
- [Information]Concerning Travel to Kumejima during COVID-19
- [Publication Information] Report on OTEC and Deep Seawater Use in Okinawa by “Power Academy”