
Contact Us

■For General Inquiries concerning GOSEA:

For questions about GOSEA or Kumejima Deep Seawater please contact the GOSEA Secretariat via the email below.


■For Questions, Tours, etc. concerning the Okinawa Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Project (OTEC):

Please visit OTECokinawa.com for information or to request a tour via the form provided.

■For Questions, Tours, etc. concerning the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center:

Japan’s largest capacity deep seawater intake is operated by the ODRC and used for research on new technologies utilizing DSW. The ODRC accepts inquiries into its research, etc. Please visit their website (in Japanese) below.


■Kumejima Fishery Cooperative

Kumejima’s Kuruma Prawn Hatchery utilizes DSW for its hatchery operations.


■Kumejima Deep Seawater Development Company Sea Grape Farms

This company cultivates Sea Grapes using deep seawater.


■Kumejima Deep Seawater Development Company

This company produces salt, bittern, and bottled water at their factory from deep seawater.


■Point Pyuru

This company produces original and OEM cosmetics from deep seawater.


Global Ocean reSource and Energy Association Institute
2870 Higa, Kumejima-cho Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa, Japan
Attn: Kumejima Town Project Office
Phone:+81 098-985-7141

©2014-2024 GOSEA Institute. All rights reserved.