Information and Materials
For information on the current state of Deep Seawater Use or to learn more about the feasibility of the Kumejima Model, please use the links on the left.
Articles Introducing GOSEA
General introduction of the “Kumejima Model” in the September 2015 volume of “Inn Road” pages 4-7 from the “一般社団法人 沖縄しまたて協会発行” (jp)
TV Introducing GOSEA
TBS’s “Active Monday” episode “Discovered in the Island Nation Japan…. Profitable Island!” which aired 5/17/2015, featured Kumejima’s deep seawater use and OTEC facilities in a segment “Active Kumejima from Deep Seawater!” (jp)
BS-TBS’s “Biz Street” introduced the Kumejima Model on their year-end program (11/28/2015). You can watch online at (jp)