Foundation of GOSEA Institute and DSW Day

The next general meeting of GOSEA took place on June 11, 2016 from 15:00-17:30 at the Kumejima Town Hall 2nd Floor Conference room. This general meeting inaugurated GOSEA as an institution, and we were happy to see members and observers alike. This meeting included information on activities over the past year, upcoming events, progress, as well as related lectures from government and academics in their various fields.
Global Ocean reSource and Energy Association Institute
Institute General Assembly Agenda
Date: Saturday June 11, 15:00~17:30
Place:Kumejima Town Hall, 2nd floor conference room
1. Welcoming Remarks -Haruo Ota Institute President(Kumejima Town Mayor) (15:00~15:10)
2. Proceedings
(1)Institute History and Introduction (Secretariat) (15:10~15:25)
(2)Trends Relating to GOSEA(※tentative title) (15:25~16:40)
① Town, People, Jobs, and the “Kumejima Model”(Kumejima Project Development Office)
② International and Domestic OTEC Trends (Saga IOES)
③ Efforts towards the World’s First Full Onshore Osyter Production (GO Farm Co.)
④ Towards “Sustainable Islands” the “Kumejima Model” and Ryuku University (Ryukyu University)
⑤ Kumejima Model Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Proposal (Okinawa Enetec Co.)
⑥ Towards the next generation OTEC/ Kona and Kumejima Efforts (Kumejima Town)
(3)Future Plans (Secretariat)
3. Special Lectures (16:50〜17:30)
■ Ministry of Education Deputy Director of Education, Culture, Sports, and Science, Mr. Kozuo Toya
■ Deep Seawater Use Society, Professor Emeritus Tokyo University, Mr. Masayuki Takahashi
4. Closing
※ A welcome meeting is scheduled for 6pm.

**Due to the weather, the Deep Seawater Day has been rescheduled for June 18, 2016. We hope everyone will enjoy this yearly event with food, music, and more. This year’s Deep Seawater Day will take place outside of Point Pyuru’s new building which is combination office, museum, and shop. This year’s event is scheduled from 10:00 to 15:30.