
Cabinet Minister Yosuke Tsuruho Visits Kumejima

On April 24, Cabinet Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs, Science and Technology Policy, etc. Yosuke Tsuruho, visited Kumejima. During his tour of Kumejima, he visited the Okinawa Deep Seawater Research Center and Okinawa OTEC Demonstration Facility in addition to Kumejima High School and other local facilities.

During his tour of ODRC, Director Shinichiro Kakuma, explained the facility and use of deep seawater in Okinawa. Professor Yasuyuki Ikegami of Saga University’s IOES explained the significance of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion demonstration and research.

The Minister and others attending the visit were an enthusiastic audience, and we were happy to receive a variety of questions relating to the activities on Kumejima.

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Global Ocean reSource and Energy Association Institute
2870 Higa, Kumejima-cho Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa, Japan
Attn: Kumejima Town Project Office
Phone:+81 098-985-7141

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